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Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

At Connections Wellness Group, we are committed to supporting you throughout your journey to better mental health. For some patients, weekly therapy sessions may not provide enough support. Our outpatient partial hospitalization program (PHP) provides a structured, safe, and therapeutic environment for those who may benefit from a higher level of care.

If you or a loved one require mental health treatment services, please contact Connections Wellness Group. Our professional and compassionate staff can be reached at (877) 747-4294 or online.

group of young men and women in an office setting and sitting in a group therapy session

What Is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) does not mean you are hospitalized or admitted as an inpatient. PHP is an outpatient program, meaning patients come for a few hours and then return home.

A partial hospitalization program is the most intensive form of outpatient mental health therapy. It is similar to an intensive outpatient program (IOP) but with more programming and support. A partial hospitalization program can vary in length but is typically 5 days per week with 4-6 hours per day. Our patients use their time at home in the evenings and on the weekends to practice the skills learned in our program. Both daytime and evening options are available.


Our PHP Program at a Glance

  • Monday-Friday (daytime and evening options available)
  • 4 hours of group therapy per day
    • Includes process groups
    • Includes psychoeducational groups
    • Includes experiential groups
  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Medication management
  • Nursing evaluations
    • Completed by a registered nurse
  • Medication education
  • Family consultation
  • Academic support and instruction for youth enrolled in primary or secondary education

What is Included in a Partial Hospitalization Program at Connections Wellness Group?

Patients in our PHP program will receive a comprehensive and highly structured day of treatment and care. Based upon the patient’s individual needs, the following is typical of what one can expect in a Partial Hospitalization Program at Connections Wellness Group.

All of the following services are included in one complete packaged approach:

  • Monday – Friday
  • 4 hours of group therapy per day
    • Includes process groups
    • Includes psychoeducational groups
    • Includes experiential groups
  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Medication management
  • Nursing evaluations
    • Completed by a registered nurse
  • Medication education
  • Family consultation
  • Nutritional wellness
    • Screening assessment and follow-up care as recommended, completed by a registered dietitian
  • Academic support and instruction for youth enrolled in primary or secondary education

What Populations Are Served in Your PHP?

Connections Wellness Group currently serves adults ages 18 and older and youth between the ages of 10 and 18. An 18-year-old still enrolled in high school will be placed in the PHP program for teens. Programs serving children ages 10-11 are at select locations only.

Who Is a Good Fit for This Program?

With support for both adults and adolescents, our PHP program provides robust treatment for the following conditions, individually or in combination:

  • Chronic depression
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Symptoms of isolation and withdrawal
  • Difficulties coping with recent loss or death
  • Self-injury
  • Thoughts of death and/or dying
  • Chronic anxiety with or without panic attacks
  • Increased irritability/ hostility
  • Trauma/PTSD or dissociation
  • High risk behaviors (running away, sexual acting out, aggression)
  • Bullying at school affecting mood and/or grades
  • Substance use/abuse

What Treatment Modalities Do You Use in Your Program?

Our master-level clinicians utilize the following therapy approaches, among many others:

Connections Wellness Group’s Partial Hospitalization Program – Call Now!

If you or a loved one is struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, help is available. The sooner you seek support, the sooner you and your family can be on the road to a healthier, happier life. Connections Wellness Group has multiple locations and offers a comprehensive partial hospitalization program that can be tailored to your specific needs.

We are in network with most major commercial insurance providers and are always available to answer any questions regarding care and treatment, insurance coverage, costs and payment options, as well as any other questions.

Our compassionate, professional staff uses the latest evidence-based therapies and holistic approaches to help you return to living your best life. Get in touch with us online or call (877) 747-4294 for more information.