Overwhelm strikes at the worst possible times. It can hit just when you think you’ve got a great career going and your income is taking a bite out of all those bills and loans. You’re doing awesome, in fact, and then out of nowhere you hit a wall. Maybe lack of sleep caught up with you. Maybe your job responsibilities hang heavy on your mind. Maybe your career choice is messing with your relationship. Whatever it is that has knocked you down, we understand. This happens to the best of us, and it’s reversible. So don’t stay down! Get back up with help from one or more of these tips on how to regain your cool in this crazy world.
Exercise. It’s no myth that exercise puts people in a better mood. After a really stressful day, try jogging or walking. Even a short amount of exercise can be a mood-lifter. It’s not just for short periods of time, either. Exercise has been proven to decrease long-term depression. Whether you are seriously down in the dumps or just letting your job get on your nerves, consider adding consistent exercise times to your schedule. Getting your blood pumping and your muscles working is a great workout for your body and your brain!
Talk Things Over with a Friend. Sometimes the best therapy happens over a cup of coffee. Do you know someone who really cares about you and is good at listening? Call that person up and schedule a time to meet. You need to talk, and your friend will be happy to help you feel better. Who knows? Between the two of you, you may come up with a grand solution to all, or at least one of, life’s big problems.
Start a Journal. Not everyone communicates best in speech. Some problems are too personal, even for a friend to hear. Try journaling. Writing your thoughts helps you focus, gives you an outlet to let out some of your stress, and might lead to some constructive thinking.
Schedule an Appointment with a Counselor. Our counselors at Connections Wellness Group are dedicated to give you the tools to recover from overwhelm and become a better you! We offer a safe and confidential environment, and we can usually get you an appointment quickly. Have the courage to call today. You deserve to get back on the right track.