Amy Patterson, RN
Location: Rockwall
- Trinity Valley Community College, Associates of Applied Science in Nursing
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I chose to enter the mental health field because it is such an under-served patient population. Like most in this country, mental health, or the lack thereof, has impacted my family in the past. I am passionate about doing my share to end the negative stigma that can envelop those seeking treatment. I am driven professionally by a desire to both educate and advocate for those seeking mental healthcare and their families. I am driven by the need to make an impact, not just an income!
- I just celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary!
- I have two adult sons, the oldest of which moved to Bellingham, WA almost two years ago. If you have never been there, I highly recommend it!
- My favorite things to do are going to concerts/live music performances and completing (key word, there) “upcycling”/ DIY projects.
- I have 3 mutts and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
- I was not blessed with an ounce of athleticism so I guess my biggest talent is that I can write backwards in cursive, it’s called mirror-writing.